Joining the Society

We are always keen to recruit new people to the Society, both as singing members and non-singing supporters.

Singing Membership

Previous experience may be helpful for singing membership, but singing in tune and being able to move in time to music are the real essentials. Those who are not sopranos must also be able to sing a line which is not the tune .

Society members range in age from the teens to the seventies, so whatever your age there will be others of the same generation. The Society is a friendly one, and new members may be assured of a warm welcome. Rehearsals are held at Melbourne Assembly Rooms on most Tuesday evenings. In the months prior to the show, principal rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings, usually in Castle Donington.

Non-singing Support

There are a variety of ways in which non-singing supporters help us, front of house, backstage, with scenery and properties, and in the dressing-rooms, with make-up and costumes. This kind of help is absolutely vital to the staging of a production and we are extremely grateful for the help we receive.

Further Information

The annual membership subscription is £70. Most members also contribute in other ways, such as by giving raffle prizes.

The Society holds social events such as the Annual Dinner and a video evening following the show. We also take part in local events.

If you are interested in joining us, either as a singer or non-singer, please ring Gill McGhee on 07980 421453 or email Mike McGhee.

The Yeomen of the Guard 2009

The Mikado 2015

 Ruddigore 2013

To Contact Us  - Ring Gill McGhee on 07980 421453 or email Mike McGhee